Ubuntu Mate

Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Images and its all Flavors Available for Vmware and VirtualBox


Canonical announced the latest version of Ubuntu codenamed 15.04 Vivid: "Ubuntu 15.04 will be supported for 9 months for Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Core, Kubuntu, Ubuntu Kylin along with all other flavours. systemd has replaced Upstart as the standard boot and service manager on all Ubuntu flavors except Touch. At the time of the 15.04 release there are no...

Ubuntu Mate 14.04.2 & 14.10 Images for VMware and VirtualBox

Ubuntu Mate team announced the first release of their distribution, Ubuntu Mate is just added to Ubuntu Family and these builds are not official yet. The very first official build will be "15.04 Vivid". There is no official announcement for Ubuntu Mate 14.10 Utopic but we are also providing you 14.10 images: "Ubuntu MATE 14.04.2 is available for download. This...

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