HandyLinux - Discontinued
HandyLinux is a Debian based distribution for novice Linux users. It is lightweight, fast and uses stable XFCE desktop environment. HandyMenu is the main feature of this distribution using HandyMenu you can browse the net, manage mails, a full office suite to work, many software to manage your media’s library (picture / sound / video), an application to discuss with your family and friends, that’s all accessible. With thousands of applications, the repository of the parent’s distribution Debian GNU / Linux is accessible in few clicks, as all your needs will be covered. Handy Linux natively integrates tools to combat disabilities, such as screen magnifier, a virtual keyboard or voice synthesis available in Iceweasel. It includes latest version of the LibreOffice suite, Skype, Chromium web browser, VLC video player, and many other popular applications.

HandyLinux 2.5
Username: osboxes
Password: osboxes.org
VB Guest Additions & VMware Tools: Not Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 12+