KaOS 2016.03 Images Available for VirtualBox and VMware


KaOS 2016.03 Images Available for VirtualBox and VMware

KaOS Linux team announced the latest version of their operating system “KaOS 2016.03”, which focus on KDE software, number of packages updated, features the latest Plasma desktop from KDE: “It is with great pleasure to present to you a first KaOS ISO image for 2016. As always with this rolling distribution, you will find the very latest packages for the Plasma Desktop; this includes Frameworks 5.18.0, Plasma 5.5.3 and KDE Applications 15.12.1. Plasma 5.5 has brought new features in Widget Explorer, expanded options in applications launchers, new widgets including Color Picker and Disk Quota, restored support for legacy system tray icons, default font has moved to Noto and Desktop Tweaks for different handling of widgets, plus option to disable the desktop toolbox. Among the new applications in 15.12 are Spectacle, the new screenshot capture program. Many more are now fully ported to Frameworks 5 and are part of the stable tar release in their frameworks version. Most notable major updates to the base of the system are a Glibc 2.22 based new toolchain, a move of python 3 to 3.5, GRUB updated with the latest security fixes, Ruby 2.3.0 stack, Linux 4.3.3, Mesa 11.1.0 and LLVM/Clang moved to 3.7.1.” You can read complete release announcement here.

We are providing you virtual images for latest version of KaOS KaOS 2016.03 for VirtualBox and VMware.

You can download VDI and VMDK images for VirtualBox & VMware from here.

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