KaOS 2021.08 VM Images Released for VirtualBox and VMware


KaOS 2021.08 VM Images Released for VirtualBox and VMware

KaOS Linux team announced the latest version of their operating system ‘KaOS 2021.08’, which focus on KDE software, number of packages updated, features the latest Plasma desktop: “Biggest news for this release are major changes in the aesthetics. The Midna theme has been redone, this includes a uniform look for SDDM and lockscreen with a (darker) transparent sidebar, cleaner splash-screen, and darker logout look. The application menu has moved from the long-used cascading menu option to the all-new Application Launcher introduced with Plasma 5.22. For the Plasma desktop, the latest Plasma (5.22.4) and Frameworks (5.85.0) are included. All built on Qt 5.15.2+. Updates to the base of this distribution include Systemd 249.3, Curl 7.78.0, IWD 1.16, NetworkManager 1.32.8, Mesa 21.1.7, Poppler 21.08.0, Vulkan packages 1.2.187, Udisks 2.9.3, MLT 7.0.1, and Openexr 3.1.1. Qt 5.15 does not receive updates or maintenance from the Qt company (only closed source, paid support is available). KDE has stepped up though and published a maintained 5.15 fork. KaOS now does a monthly patch update from this fork for all of Qt 5.15, so it basically is now at 5.15.3…” You can read complete release announcement here.

We are providing you virtual images for latest version of KaOS 2021.08 for VirtualBox and VMware.

You can download VDI and VMDK images for VirtualBox & VMware from here.

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