Pinguy OS 18.04.1 VM Images Available for VirtualBox and VMware


Pinguy OS 18.04.1 VM Images Available for VirtualBox and VMware

Pinguy developers announced the latest build of their operating system Pinguy OS 18.04.1, based on Ubuntu: “Tweaked Gnome 3.28.2. OpenGL version string: 3.1. Mesa 18.1.1. File Manager: Nemo 3.8.3. Kernel 4.15.0-20. Downgraded the DRI driver for Xorg to DRI2, this fixes RetroArch. Included Winepak’s repo so it will be easy to install Window games. Enabled exFAT support. Removed Docky and replaced it with Simple Dock & Places Status Indicator. Audio levels can go past 100% by default. Fixed Shutter but will only works under Xorg. Some of the default Gnome apps have been replaced with MATE versions. I really did not like the new Gedit so replaced it with Pluma. If you use the Gedit command it will open Pluma. That is so all the guides on the forum and other sites that use Gedit in their guides will work fine. Fix OverScan on HDMI HDTV (Screen not fitting TV). To fix, open ‘Startup Applications’ and there will be a option called ‘FixRes’…” You can read complete release announcement here.

We are providing you virtual images for latest version of Pinguy OS 18.04.1 Linux for VirtualBox and VMware.

You can download VDI and VMDK images for VirtualBox & VMware from here.

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