We only provide operating system images that are distributed under an open-source license. Due to certain proprietary components/blobs, we adhere to the “OSI open source” license standards. We do not include any free or non-free packages, files, or modifications in these images. For licensing terms, please refer to the official websites of the respective operating systems, where their documentation, terms & conditions, and licenses are available.
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We do not install any additional packages, scripts, updates, or configurations in any distribution available on our site. The virtual images for VirtualBox and VMware are provided with default settings, ensuring that users receive a clean install. When you download an image from our site, it is the same as installing a fresh OS yourself. You are free to customize it as you wish. Our images are 100% free from malware, spyware, bloatware, and adware. If you wish, you may audit any image downloaded from our site and send us the audit report, which we may feature.
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