Sabayon 16.11 Images Released for VirtualBox and VMware


Sabayon 16.11 Images Released for VirtualBox and VMware

Sabayon project team announced the latest build of their operating system Sabayon 16.11 Linux, which mainly features Linux Kernel 4.8: “This Sabayon release is the result of team work, time and care, to provide you with a stable, solid and bleeding edge release. There are a lot of exciting changes in this release, here are a few: new Anaconda installer, with tons of bug fixes; latest Linux kernel 4.8; latest KDE Plasma; renewed artwork; new greeter; improvements and fixes to Entropy(the package manager); New supported ARM devices….” You can read complete release announcement here.

We are providing you virtual images for latest version of Sabayon 16.11 Linux for VirtualBox and VMware.

You can download VDI and VMDK images for VirtualBox & VMware from here.

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