Scientific Linux
Scientific Linux is a Fermilab sponsored project. It is a free and open source operating system based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The project aims to provide a stable, scalable, and extensible operating system for scientific computing. Support scientific research by providing methods and procedures for enabling the integration of scientific applications with the operating environment. Use the free exchange of ideas, designs, and implementations to prepare a computing platform for the next generation of scientific computing. Scientific Linux offers wireless and Bluetooth out of the box, and it comes with a comprehensive range of software, such as multimedia codecs, Samba, and Compiz, as well as servers and clients, storage clients, networking, and system administration tools.

Scientific Linux 7.7
- VirtualBox (VDI) 64bit Download Size: 1.2GB
SHA256: 76d78ed4003304a0ae27ca40c1ea79833d96970dae11776512f0e2d1336eadf3
- VMware (VMDK) 64bit Download Size: 1.3GB
SHA256: eae1a4c5e2b8dca85476ab10f8b68ce413730728c9b529d7c8091e83872aa5b1
Username: osboxes
Root Account Password:
VB Guest Additions & VMware Tools: Not Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 10+
Scientific Linux 7.6
- VirtualBox (VDI) 64bit Download Size: 1.2GB
SHA256: 12bcca04bc6658903750878fe61fa6ccec8ac0c2089d8788a09597937cf70829
- VMware (VMDK) 64bit Download Size: 1.2GB
SHA256: d27b2b86184abe5fde6932b3541056f7195748092ca30d2ae85c7057fb2d99c1
Username: osboxes
Root Account Password:
VB Guest Additions & VMware Tools: Not Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 10+
Scientific Linux 7.5
- VirtualBox (VDI) 64bit Download Size: 1.2GB
SHA256: 0472041fa8d58fd95f8c6224adfb824cc76956f59bda16073adecf21717c0610
- VMware (VMDK) 64bit Download Size: 1.2GB
SHA256: b5f25e1e7519970ed0a875ba42e50e4068c027ebedf572257052733efb4a3849
Username: osboxes
Root Account Password:
VB Guest Additions & VMware Tools: Not Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 10+
Scientific Linux 6.10
Username: osboxes
Root Account Password:
VB Guest Additions & VMware Tools: Not Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 10+