SparkyLinux 2022.03 VM Images Released for VirtualBox and VMware

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SparkyLinux 2022.03 VM Images Released for VirtualBox and VMware

SparkyLinux project released ‘SparkyLinux 2022.03’ based on Debian “Bookworm” branch: “Sparky 2022.03 of the (semi-)rolling line is out, which is based on Debian testing ‘Bookworm’. The new iso images provide: all packages upgraded; Linux kernel 5.16.11 (5.16.12 & 5.17-rc7 in sparky unstable repos); Calamares 3.2.53; Firefox 96.0.3 (firefox-sparky 98.0 & firefox-esr-sparky 91.7.0esr (Mozilla builds) available in Sparky repos); Thunderbird 91.6.1; LibreOffice 7.3.1 RC1; added a dock-like vala-panel with custom config which provides favorite apps launcher on the left side of your desktop (via ‘sparky-launcher’ package); small improvements. Known issues: the live system’s DNS is configured wrong on virtual machines so there is no internet, even the network manager applet says it works; to fix that, there is a small script which removes resolv.conf configured by ‘systemd-resolved’ and automatically reloads the resolv.conf with propper DNS via NetworkManager; the script called ‘sparky-firstrun-fix’ works in the live system only and the live installer removes it during post-install phase…” You can checkout complete release announcement here.

We are providing you Virtual Machine images for latest version of the SparkyLinux 2022.03 for VirtualBox and VMware.

You can download VDI and VMDK images for VirtualBox & VMware from here.

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