SparkyLinux 4.8.1 VM Images Available for VirtualBox and VMware

SparkyLinux 4.8.1 VM Images Available for VirtualBox and VMware

SparkyLinux project released the latest version based on Debian’s testing branch ‘SparkyLinux 4.8.1’ in several desktop editions: “Sparky 4.8.1 is based on Debian stable line “Stretch” and built around the Openbox window manager. Sparky 4.8 offers a fully featured operating system with a lightweight LXDE desktop environment; and minimal images of MinimalGUI (Openbox) and MinimalCLI (text mode) which lets you install the base system with a desktop of your choice with a minimal set of applications, via the Sparky Advanced Installer. Changelog: full system upgrade from Debian stable repos; Linux kernel 4.9.88 (PC); Calamares 3.1.12 with possibility of installing the live system on an encrypted disk; added new option of live system booting which lets you choose your localization; sparky tools which need the root access use pkexec now instead of gksu/gksudo/kdesudo/etc…” You can checkout complete release announcement here.

We are providing you Virtual Machine images for latest version of the SparkyLinux 4.8.1 for VirtualBox and VMware.

You can download VDI and VMDK images for VirtualBox & VMware from here.

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