Ubuntu Gnome - Discontinued
Ubuntu GNOME is an official flavour of Ubuntu, featuring the GNOME desktop environment, it is a Linux distribution and distributed as free and open source software. Ubuntu GNOME (formerly Ubuntu GNOME Remix) is a mostly pure GNOME desktop experience built from the Ubuntu repositories. The first (unofficial) release was 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal), released in October 2012. As the 12.10 release was the first release, Ubuntu Gnome team proudly recommend Ubuntu GNOME to anyone interested in using Ubuntu with the best of what GNOME has to offer. The first official release was 13.04 (Raring Ringtail).

Ubuntu Gnome 16.04.2 Xenial
Username: osboxes
Password: osboxes.org
VB Guest Additions & VMware Tools: Not Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 10+
Ubuntu Gnome 14.04.3 Trusty
Username: osboxes
Password: osboxes.org
VB Guest Additions & VMware Tools: Not Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 12+