Ubuntu Server 14.04.4 Images for VirtualBox and VMware
We are adding Ubuntu Server 14.04.4 Trusty tahr on our site, it was released in feb 2016. “The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce the release of Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS (Long-Term Support) for its Desktop, Server, Cloud, and Core products, as well as other flavours of Ubuntu with long-term support. We have expanded our hardware enablement offering since 12.04, and with 14.04.4, this point release contains an updated kernel and X stack for new installations to support new hardware across all our supported architectures, not just x86. As usual, this point release includes many updates, and updated installation media has been provided so that fewer updates will need to be downloaded after installation. These include security updates and corrections for other high-impact bugs, with a focus on maintaining stability and compatibility with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS…” You can check release announcement on their mailing list.
We are providing you virtual images for latest version of Ubuntu Server 14.04.4 Trusty Tahr for VirtualBox and VMware.
You can download VDI and VMDK images for VirtualBox & VMware from here.