How To Verify Our VM Images For Security

We do not install anything extra or make modifications on our VM images except guest tools. However, it’s always a good practice to verify integrity. Here’s how you can check:

1. Check System Logs

Open a terminal in the VM and review system logs using:

journalctl -r | less

2. List Installed Packages

Use package managers to see if any other software is installed:

  • Debian/Ubuntu:
    dpkg --list | less

  • Fedora/RHEL:
    rpm -qa | less

  • Arch Linux:
    pacman -Qe

3. Monitor Network Activity

Check if the VM is making unknown connections:

netstat -tulnp

Use Wireshark to capture network traffic and analyze it.

4. Verify Running Processes

Check running background processes for anything unusual:

ps aux | less

5. Scan for Hidden Users or Rootkits

Check for unauthorized users:

cat /etc/passwd | less

Use a rootkit scanner like rkhunter or chkrootkit:

sudo rkhunter --check

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